Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Don't Let Summer be a Bummer!

Guess what today is?  It's the first day of summer.  And Independence Day is just two weeks away!

So I thought I'd post some reminders about keeping your pets safe and healthy in the summer heat and during the 4th of July holiday.

First and foremost, please do not leave your pets in the car!  The interior of a vehicle can heat up very quickly and can far exceed the outdoor temperature.  Just last week, a young labrador mix died after being left in a car for two hours at a Canadian shopping center, and the young couple who caused his death have been charged with animal cruelty.  At this time of year, it is best to leave your companions at home. 

Avoid walking your dogs in the heat of the day.  Hot asphalt can burn paws and cause the body temperature to rise rapidly.  Hot summer sun can also cause heat stroke, as well as sun burn, particularly in pets with light coats and skin.

Know the signs of overheating and dehydration.  Heavy panting, disorientation, collapse, vomiting and diarrhea are some of them.  If you suspect your pet is overheated, rush them to veterinary care immediately.  Call the office while en route, so they can be prepared to act quickly when you arrive.  Time is of the essence in successful treatment.

The following are some other hazards to your pets that warm weather brings:
And of course, that last item brings us to the 4th of July.  This is a tough holiday for two of our greyhounds, Maddox and Chipmunk.  They both have noise phobias, and the sound of fireworks tops the list.

This is not an uncommon issue for dogs, and sadly it makes July 5th the busiest day of the year for many animal shelters.  Please be sensitive to your pets' needs and take proper precautions for keeping your companions safe.

Wishing you and all of your family members a fun summer season!

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